Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Narration and Waiting

I sat with perfect posture,
pinching my spine,
cracking nervous knuckles
under a sticky table.

He sauntered in and smiled
with perfectly crooked teeth.
Apathy never looked so good.

Slouching like a coat thrown over a sofa,
sipping milky coffee from a ceramic mug.

"Let’s go for a walk."
A simple request,
an invitation.
Nerves bit themselves under my skin.

I tried to be pretty,
like the other girls,
who slept around his feet
like loyal wolves,
clawing at his legs.

They waited patiently,
eyeing me every so often.
Each glare was followed by a coy grin,
I was no threat to them.
I was plump.

We walked.
To a mossy, rocky river bed.

The stunning, 
wolf mistresses disappeared
as my feet hit the sand.

I felt my body stumble
into a cumbersome, now wet lump.
My pale cheeks 
became crimson cakes on my face.
He laughed with dulcet melodies.

Hidden in the woods, 
his persuasion ensued.
Teeth dipped into my skin.
Shooting a burning star
through every vein, artery and bone.

My blood spun wildly out of control,
leaving the flawless smirk 
pasted on my frozen arms.

Rolling wildly down a muddy hill.
a slip and slide, 
made just for us two

rain drenching straight through
thin spring jackets.
Mud in my hair,
grass on his face.
Water soaking every inch of our skins.

When no one was watching,
he, that one beautiful boy, 
loved me, that one hideously sweet girl.

Now, all I have
is a plum colored bruise,
waiting on my arm
to remember.

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