Sunday, February 24, 2013

Rape culture and Gun Control

A long, but very important rant on two sensitive topics

Gun Control:
So I've seen a lot of posts about gun control from both ends of a very smeared and pained spectrum. I make this point; An extreme in either direction is going to get our country no where closer to inner peace.
Extreme anti-gun-control: Those who are intending on using guns for violent, non-recreational purposes, are going to use them regardless of whether or not it is legal. Heroine is illegal, does is still exist and is it still used? Yes. Someone so far gone whether by mental illness or just a horrible enough to want to take the life of another innocent human being, probably doesn't really care whether or not the weapon he owns is uhm... legal. I know that this is a huge part of anti-gun-control propaganda, but there is some truth behind it. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Pro-gun-control: On the flipside, these people need to get over the fact that not everyone should be allowed to own a gun and they should not be easily attained by just anyone. Some people are terrible drivers, and therefore do not receive their driver's licenses because they become dangerous to their own lives and the lives of others.Why should guns be any different?! I suppose I don't understand every aspect of this, yes, however, I fail to see why there can't be an achievable middle ground that doesn't violate everyone's rights while still keeping everyone safe and keeping avoidable and morally tearing tragedies a thing of the past. Also, I'm quite sick of people saying that gun control always violates constitutional rights. Maybe you should read more of the Constitution than, "Right to Bear Arms." There is more to the second section of the Bill of Rights than the popularized title. (i.e., it is for self-defense and other lawful purposes. If you exercising your rights violates the rights of others, especially to the severity of another losing their life for no legitimate reason, your right to own a deadly weapon should be stripped from you faster than you can call your mom to bail your heartless behind out. That is your own fault for not respecting the rights of others.) Gun control is not designed to ruin everyone's fun and target practice, it's to keep criminals from abusing constitutional rights. (Also, stop worrying about the constitution, if we did follow it down to every last detail... technically slavery would sitll exist, and we can all pretty much agree that slavery and racism are wrong.) "God gave me the Constitution to protect my rights!" Well, He also gave me my life, and therefore my right to live. I'm sorry, but this more important than a loosely interpreted paragraph that you probably didn't read all the way through.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: GUN CONTROL STARTS AND ENDS IN THE HOME. Teach children tolerance, love, understanding, compassion, acceptance even when they have to agree to disagree etc.. Teach your children respect for all living things. I'm not saying that you can't hunt (in fact, I actually encourage hunting, it's way more natural and humane for the animals to be honest), I'm saying that you do need to show respect for all of Earth's creatures, including your fellow man. If your child has mental issues, seek the help they need if you cannot provide it on your own. Peace begins in the family, and I strongly believe that if all parents from all walks of life taught their children how to truly love other people, gun control would be completely unnecessary and this rant would have no cause for existance. 

My second topic of conversation for this evening: "With the way she dresses, she was asking for it..."
Yes, I'm talking about sexual assault. Bottom line: I don't care if she is naked and passed out in the middle of the street... she's not "asking" to be raped. Period.

Analogy time:
Man A: He walks down an impoverished street where he is well known for giving charity out to people. He is well dressed and is mugged and the mugger takes all of his money. That's wrong right? Oh, so no matter how a person is dressed, or how they've conducted themselves and given of themselves in the past, they shouldn't be taken advantage of? I think we can all agree that that is wrong. Yet, when it comes to rape, if a woman is known for her sexual independence or, "promiscuity" and dressed in such a way that exposes more skin... "she's asking to be raped." Excuse me, but no, that is hypocrasy and it is undeniable that it is such. 

Still not seeing the connection? Well then I blame that on being uneducated on this topic and therefore I don't have anything to say to you until you do a little more research.

Point 2.2: No, intoxication does not count as consent and you are not entitled to anything. Ever.

Point 2.3: It is ridiculous that women have to be taught how to prevent rape. Do I encourage women to know things such as safe habits and self-defense? Yes, without question, but that doesn't mean that I don't think it's ridiculous. Guys; don't rape people. Whoop, problem solved! Helping women with these things treats the symptoms, not the disease. The disease is rape, and it can only be cured with societal and familial changes. Teach your sons and daughters respect. There can be no pain, and therefore no rape, when there is respect. If your son, boyfriend, fiance, husband, brother, and yes... even father talk about women in an objectifying and disrespectful manner, and you say nothing, you are perpetuating a cycle of hate, pain, and physical as well as psychological and most often permanent damage.

I'm sorry that this is so long, but I've been seeing a lot of posts, articles etc. on these topics and I wanted to say a few (and by a few I mean as many as I want until I think my point is proven) words.

I hope that what you take from this is a hopeful message of love. If everyone loved a little more and hated a little less, perhaps there would be an end of violence and a beginning of peace, an end of objectification of human existence, and a beginning of acceptance and respect.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

She is Light

She is light,
because she's always there
taken for granted

She is light,
she hides herself under a bushel
of smiles and mediocre talents
because she wants an element

she wants to be the fire that fuels your passion
the fire that makes your loins burn
until nothing escapes your lips but a
satisfied moan
she wants to be the water that wraps herself around you
and  drown you in her carefree "spontaneous" ways
she wants to be the earth.
yes, the earth.
The earth that you want to hold in your hands
the land you want to own
the movable, curvy earth that slides
to your perfect arms.
She wants you to be her air
the air she breathes and travels through

but she is light
easily pushed aside by any shadow
hidden by the darkness consuming all she knows
including you

she is light a wave of invisible torment
tears that are never shed
but buried  under years of use and abuse

she would have waited,
she would have stayed
but she is light,
but it was her you never noticed
until you pushed her away.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Little History of Inner Violence

A few pieces about the twisted mind of eating disorders

3 more
It pulls my head by my hair
lacing the chair's heartless back
forcing vile substances into a system in denial
my body says no,
begs to purge the awful liquids and monsters
monsters that crawl down my esophagus
and into my stomach
monsters that churn the acid into a boiling rain
and monsters that burrow on my bones
hiding their sweet faces from sunlight and cold.

2 more
Logic does not exist here
Logic is twisted into tangled puzzles
that fuck with my mind and bury the roots
of my subconscious in poisoned soil
Logic was stripped naked and beaten to dust
then swept away into a porcelain sink
Logic, don't skip fuel
Mind, never allow it
Logic, destruction
Mind, good.

1 more
Whether I run a mile or a Kilo meter,
it is the same
burning energy through wheezy tunnels
neglected tunnels
airy tunnels
turn over a Stone
you'll find me
the real me
the me that hides behind sweat(s) and memories
what weighs more, a pound of butter
or a pound a feathers?
a Pound of fat.
... tired.


Sunday, October 7, 2012


Listen to that purity and passion. This will literally bring tears to the eyes of most. A beautiful, moving song to begin with, and Mirusia just adds to the majestic nature of the piece. This is exactly how I feel today as well! I will be writing about this later. Enjoy! Mirusia, you are inspirational and amazing in every way.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


3:20 am

As the doors of suburbian garage doors close, the eye lids of their owners slip and shut.
I wish my own eyelashes would meld together, and my irises hide from an unknown night.
But my time is the night.
The day is long, hectic and the sun burns into blue ethnic visionary pools.
Dark glass covers my pain and white liquid sprawls across scarlet skin.
But when the moon calls, my mind is alert, fiery, full of ideas, questions, wonders, thoughts, pains, sufferings, lust and joy.
As soon as the first leaf blocks a ray of sunlight, there is a special moment I cannot begin to describe.
Dusk settles and there is a scented wind that twirls my tendrils with sensual fingers. The hazy color of the sky dips into black ink and I am finally myself. Awake when all others sleep, alone when others find love, afraid when others at peace. But night calls, and I must obey for it be a stern master.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Welcome to Brigham Young University

Well I just started college at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT. It's a great school with a beautiful campus. However, I just haven't quite felt like I fit in anywhere just yet. No one really understands my odd sense of humor and immense amounts of sarcasm. No one dances like I do, or acts mildly insane like I do. I also found out someone I love very much would no longer be a part of my life by choice. So needless to say, it's been a hard beginning of college. But all college beginnings are hard, I must figure it out in my own way I suppose. So I decided to start writing again. Feel free to read my old stuff, mind the language, I censored nothing. Those were all written out of emotion or lack thereof and are therefore exactly how I was feeling at the time. I hope to continue this tradition in future posts. Honesty more eloquently, j.e.hinds

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Artists Hands

Fists cracking,
the first time their hideous faces noticed,
Canyons and crevices
stretch their ways
across massive knuckles,
Wide palms thick with gritty callouses,
Lines of leathered abuse
climb from wrist to tip,
those tips yellowed and beaten by steel strings.
Bulging edges,
ligaments spilling over hulking bones.
Oven hot scratches
just beginning to heal,
Her grace tore those feminine hands to pieces.
On the back of a steed she powers through,
beauty in it's purest form.
Yet when the gloves come off,
there is nothing left
but ugly, tortured,
cracked, dry, raw,
bony hands.